ZABBIX 3.2 正式发布

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经过zabbix 3.2 alpha1、alpha2、beta01、beta02、rc1、rc2,今天zabbix3.2正式发布了,有兴趣的同学加入升级行列吧。

Please read Zabbix 3.2.0 upgrade notes and upgrade procedure for migration details.文章源自运维生存时间-

The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.文章源自运维生存时间-

New features of Zabbix 3.2.0
:: Event tags for greater flexibility

Custom tags for events are introduced in the new version. Custom event tags are implemented as a pair of the tag name and value. You can use only the name or pair it with a value. After the tags are defined on the trigger level, corresponding events get marked with tag data.文章源自运维生存时间-

The tags can be use to implement service-centric approach to management of notifications and displaying of problems.文章源自运维生存时间-

For more information see event tag section.文章源自运维生存时间-

:: Global event correlation

New global event correlation module allows pre-processing of problems based on event tag information. As a result of pre-processing a new problem or older problems matching correlation rules can be closed automatically.文章源自运维生存时间-

:: Event correlation on trigger level

Configuration of triggers was extended to support ability of closing problem only if OK and PROBLEM event tags match each other. That allows much more flexible matching of problems and recovery conditions for log monitoring and trap processing.文章源自运维生存时间-

:: Ability to manually close problems

Some problems, if allowed on trigger level, can be closed manually from Zabbix UI. It greatly simplifies workflow for trap processing, also for processing of errors reported in log files.文章源自运维生存时间-

:: Independent escalation for each problem event

Zabbix will process and escalate individually each problem generated by trigger having problem event generation mode set to 'multiple'.文章源自运维生存时间-

:: Ability to customize macro values

Sometimes a macro may resolve to a value that is not necessarily easy to work with. It may be long or contain a specific substring of interest that you would like to extract. For these purposes, the new version comes with a new concept of macro functions.文章源自运维生存时间-

For more information see macro functions section.文章源自运维生存时间-

:: Coping with fast-growing log files

More advanced options are available for dealing with fast-growing log files.文章源自运维生存时间-

An optional maxdelay parameter for log monitoring items, which can be used to set a time bracket that log records must be analyzed within - if it's impossible to analyze all records within the set time, older lines are skipped in favour of analyzing the more recent ones.文章源自运维生存时间-

Also, two new agent items log.count and logrt.count that count the number of matched lines and return that number instead of the lines themselves.文章源自运维生存时间-

:: Easier trigger hysteresis

A much easier way of defining trigger hysteresis is introduced by an optional second trigger expression called 'recovery expression' where you can separately define the conditions that have to be met for the trigger to return back to the OK state.文章源自运维生存时间-

There is also more control over how OK events are generated. You can use the problem expression as basis (then it works the same way as before), the recovery expression as basis, or even select 'None' in which case the trigger will always remain in problem state if it goes into it.文章源自运维生存时间-

Additionally, PROBLEM event generation mode for single/multiple problem events has been changed from a silent default/optional checkbox into an obvious two-way choice.文章源自运维生存时间-

For more information see configuring a trigger and trigger hysteresis sections.文章源自运维生存时间-

:: Delaying escalations during maintenance

The logic of delaying problem notifications during host maintenance has been changed. The old mechanism is dropped. Instead there is an new option in action configuration, which allows to pause notifications in the host maintenance phase if you wish so. If notifications are paused during maintenance, they get back on course after the maintenance, according to the escalation scenario.文章源自运维生存时间-

For more information see maintenance and escalations section.文章源自运维生存时间-

:: Viewable items, triggers, graphs created by LLD

Now entities created by low-level discovery are shown in a much more user-friendly way. It is possible to view the details of these items, triggers and graphs. Check-boxes are enabled to apply mass operations to them. Thus it is possible to enable/disable/delete them.

:: Web scenario export/import

When exporting hosts or templates into XML, web scenarios are now exported as well. When importing hosts/templates, there are options for creating new, updating existing and deleting missing web scenarios.

Now on you may easily share web scenarios on For example, export a template with the web scenarios into XML and upload to Then others can download the template and import the XML into Zabbix.

:: Front-end improvements

Several frontend sections have gained a filter allowing to search by name as well as status, type or mode. Host groups, templates and global scripts can now be searched by name.

Introduced new high-performance view of current, recently resolved problems and history of problems under Monitoring->Problems. Monitoring->Events no longer exists.

The problem view introduces timeline that makes problems much easier to spot and understand.

:: No acknowledgement for OK events

Removed ability to acknowledge Ok events. Original problem should be acknowledged instead.

:: API improvements

New API method 'problem.get' is introduced to allow retrieval of problem related information.

:: Improvements for trigger functions

Added two new options "regexp" and "iregexp" to the third parameter <operator> of trigger function count().

:: More efficient table structure for history text and history log

Unused id field was removed to make history tables more efficient.

:: Interface for real-time history export

Implemented interface for history export through loadable modules and changed module loading to require only zbx_module_api_version() function.

:: Enabled evaluation of function nodata() for not supported items

Function nodata() will be normally evaluated even if a corresponding item is unsupported for some reason.

:: Added evaluation of logical expressions with unsupported items in trigger expressions and calculated items

Zabbix will correctly evaluate trigger expressions if one of items is unsupported.

:: Added datacenter name for VMWare hypervisors and virtual machines

Introduced new items and Also added support of new discovery field {#DATACENTER.NAME} for hypervisor and virtual machine discovery.

:: Less verbose trap processing

Added one minute delay for repeated SNMP trap file error log entries.

:: Flexible aliases for agents

Added support for flexible aliases that may or may not pass parameters to the aliases item.

:: Updated translations

Updated translations to many languages.

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