MySQL管理工具MySQL Utilities — MySQL用户控制台(35)

默北 MySQLMySQL管理工具MySQL Utilities — MySQL用户控制台(35)已关闭评论14,3802字数 4328阅读14分25秒阅读模式

MySQL Utilities 提供一系列工具,每个工具的选项并不相同,也不是那么容易记住的以及相关联的选项参数。有时候我们需要执行选项几乎相同的多个工具。例如,需要登录到特定服务器上执行多个工具。而不是每次输入连接信息,你可能想相同的选项并重用之。

幸运的是,mysqluc 工具就是干这个活的,命名为MySQL用户控制台,提供完成选项、工具名称和用户自定义变量,不仅如此,还提供获取任何工具帮忙的能力。极大的提供各种方便。很像MySQL客户端的命令行工具。文章源自运维生存时间-



shell> mysqluc 
Launching console ...

Welcome to the MySQL Utilities Client (mysqluc) version 1.4.2
Copyright (c) 2010, 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This is a release of dual licensed MySQL Utilities. For the avoidance of
doubt, this particular copy of the software is released
under the version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
MySQL Utilities is brought to you by Oracle.

Type 'help' for a list of commands or press TAB twice for list of utilities.

mysqluc> help
Command                 Description                                        
----------------------  ---------------------------------------------------
help utilities          Display list of all utilities supported.           
help <utility>          Display help for a specific utility.               
show errors             Display errors captured during the execution of the
clear errors            clear captured errors.                             
show last error         Display the last error captured during the         
                        execution of the utilities                         
help | help commands    Show this list.                                    
exit | quit             Exit the console.                                  
set <variable>=<value>  Store a variable for recall in commands.           
show options            Display list of options specified by the user on   
show variables          Display list of variables.                         
<ENTER>                 Press ENTER to execute command.                    
<ESCAPE>                Press ESCAPE to clear the command entry.           
<DOWN>                  Press DOWN to retrieve the previous command.       
<UP>                    Press UP to retrieve the next command in history.  
<TAB>                   Press TAB for type completion of utility, option,  
                        or variable names.                                 
<TAB><TAB>              Press TAB twice for list of matching type          
                        completion (context sensitive). 

mysqluc> help utilities 
Utility           Description                                              
----------------  ---------------------------------------------------------
mysqlauditadmin   audit log maintenance utility                            
mysqlauditgrep    audit log search utility                                 
mysqldbcompare    compare databases for consistency                        
mysqldbcopy       copy databases from one server to another                
mysqldbexport     export metadata and data from databases                  
mysqldbimport     import metadata and data from files                      
mysqldiff         compare object definitions among objects where the       
                  difference is how db1.obj1 differs from db2.obj2         
mysqldiskusage    show disk usage for databases                            
mysqlfailover     automatic replication health monitoring and failover     
mysqlfrm          show CREATE TABLE from .frm files                        
mysqlindexcheck   check for duplicate or redundant indexes                 
mysqlmetagrep     search metadata                                          
mysqlprocgrep     search process information                               
mysqlreplicate    establish replication with a master                      
mysqlrpladmin     administration utility for MySQL replication             
mysqlrplcheck     check replication                                        
mysqlrplms        establish multi-source replication                       
mysqlrplshow      show slaves attached to a master                         
mysqlrplsync      replication synchronization checker utility              
mysqlserverclone  start another instance of a running server               
mysqlserverinfo   show server information                                  
mysqluserclone    clone a MySQL user account to one or more new users  

mysqluc> help mysqldb[TAB][TAB]
Utility         Description                                                
--------------  -----------------------------------------------------------
mysqldbcompare  compare databases for consistency                          
mysqldbcopy     copy databases from one server to another                  
mysqldbexport   export metadata and data from databases                    
mysqldbimport   import metadata and data from files 

mysqluc> mysqlrplshow --m[TAB][TAB] 

Option                 Description                                         
---------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
--master=MASTER        connection information for master server in the     
                       form: <user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>]
                       or <login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>].                
--max-depth=MAX_DEPTH  limit the traversal to this depth. Valid only with  
                       the --recurse option. Valid values are non-negative 

mysqluc> mysqlrplshow --mast[TAB]er=<user>:<password>@localhost:13001

The console has detected that the utility 'mysqlrplshow' ended with an error code.
You can get more information about the error by running the console command 'show last error'.

mysqluc> show last error 
Execution of utility: mysqlrplshow --master=<user>:<password>@localhost:13001 
returned errorcode: 2 with error message: 
Usage: --master=root@localhost:3306 error: The --discover-slaves-login is required to test slave connectivity.

mysqluc> mysqlrplshow --master=<user>:<password>@localhost:13001 \
# master on localhost: ... connected.
# Finding slaves for master: localhost:13001

# Replication Topology Graph
localhost:13001 (MASTER)
   +--- localhost:13002 - (SLAVE)
   +--- localhost:13003 - (SLAVE)
   +--- localhost:13004 - (SLAVE)
   +--- localhost:13005 - (SLAVE)


第一条命令,mysqluc 启动用户控制台。一旦启动,会看到欢迎信息和mysqluc>提示符。可以传递命令到该控制台执行。文章源自运维生存时间-



运行mysqluc无需特殊权限,但是执行那些工具取决于该工具所需的权限。文章源自运维生存时间- 文章源自运维生存时间-

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